“We need a voice for SMEs”: ‘Ellis Patents MD Joins Backing Britain Pledge

By Ellis Patents Limited
schedule19th Jun 24

Backing Britain is back. Made in Group is urging the UK government to debate and act upon: addressing concerns related to safeguarding manufacturing capacity, addressing concerns related to ownership of British businesses and appointing a Minister for manufacturing.  

Ahead of the UK general election, set to take place across Britain on 4th July 2024, The Backing Britain campaign seeks to enhance supply chain competence within government, ultimately driving national prosperity and security through a robust industrial sector. UK Industry leaders are taking action now by signing the pledge, including Danny MacFarlane - MD of Ellis Patents. He Said: “We need a voice for SMES”. 

With a new government taking centre stage in the coming weeks, Made in Group, Including Made in the Midlands and Made in Yorkshire, is taking action. The Backing Britain pledge encourages manufacturers to sign an open letter that will be sent to every MP. On 5th December 2024 during Made’s annual Westminster trip the manifesto by manufacturers and the signed pledges will be presented to the government. To make a lasting impact, the organisation is encouraging every UK industry leader and professional to sign the pledge. With 100K signatures, the manifesto will be discussed in parliament and closer to taking real action on the matter.

Danny MacFarlane has worked for the UK manufacturing industry for over 30 years. With an engineering background and in-depth knowledge of the sector he is now Managing Director of leading cable cleat manufacturer - Ellis Patents. Danny believes the UK manufacturing sector at this moment is strong and buoyant but hasn't come without its challenges.

Low cost manufacturing has become increasingly more available on a global scale, for the UK to stay competitive innovation via automation and technology has become vital. “Companies that have thrived and done well are investing in automation and technology. There’s a lot of cost pressure, whether it be from competitors or geopolitical issues, it's important we keep doing something that is different”, Danny continued. 

Oxford Economics true impact report suggests manufacturing makes up for 23% of the overall UK GDP, an astonishing £518 billion (2022). Uncertainty in manufacturing, such as restrictions brought on by the 2020 pandemic, is the reason why Danny has signed the pledge to lobby the government. “UK manufacturing is the backbone of this country. We need strong leadership, strong direction and somebody who can be a voice for SMEs especially in uncertain times.” Danny commented. 

The UK government has announced their strategy and goals for a net-zero country by 2050, however Danny believes that there isn't enough support from them to help manufacturers achieve the target. Many businesses, like Ellis Patents, have installed solar panels and carried out their own sustainability initiatives which has made a significant impact, but Danny thinks without additional support the goals are unrealistic. He said: “We need to be realistic and offer support to industry to work towards net-zero - building an environment that can help us invest.” 

Made in Group is a trade organisation that helps elevate manufacturing businesses' online presence whilst giving them a platform to connect and share ideas. Dedicated to uniting British industry, the UK collective relies on its members to help them amplify their voice for manufacturing and showcase the critical role of industry leaders in shaping the nation's future. 

Sign the pledge now. Backing Britain pledge. 

Join us in Westminster on 5th December to present the Backing Britain manifesto to the government. Register now.